Monday, April 03, 2006

A Bug's Life!!

Despite the seeming silliness of what I’m about to say, watching that movie was fascinating for me. Surely you can see why...considering the quality of production, the artistry of it all....sighs, art can be so intimidating. Anyway, the real lesson for me was learning how complicated life could be...or not be. Bugs are fascinating creatures, so organized and understanding in hierarchy. Most important of all, they know what to do, when to do it and when not to!
Last year when uni started amidst a lot of hassle for me (stuff I’ll go into at another time), everything looked set to be a great year ahead. Best mates Mike and Rebecca quickly settled in and were carrying on with the usual...cinema, concerts, you name it! There were also the Nigerians, all trying to look as busy as possible, trying to be in each other’s business as usual (pooh to that!). And finally my new housemates were revealed! Four in total, there was Andy and Lizzy! I'll be honest I was a bit unsure when I met them as they seemed shy and dressed almost gothic, not like that’s a bad thing if you get what I mean. Of course they turned out to be absolutely lovely, making their withdrawal form uni all the more difficult for me. I'll admit that I was expecting it which is rather curious but it's funny how nothing prepares for eventualities. Anyway, that said they've gone home and left uni to...maybe next year!
Then there were the French gals Mimi and Ivana! Fascinatingly beautiful, exotic in a European way and definitely friendly. At least while they were here! Cutting the long story short (that’s for another day), Ivana tried to kill herself and Mimi had to take her home to France! Did I mention that she tried to do it three times? It was an awful experience, filling us (at the time all five housemates were complete) with all sorts of couldawoulashoulda's! Sigh
Anyway, back to the bugs. It’s funny how they seem to know what to do, where to go and most importantly when to! It’s also funny how we human's, big and mighty and all don't. We're all full of insecurities in one way or the other. For Andy and Lizzy, it could have been a new environment or Andy’s artistry mixed with lizzy's love for him....for Mimi and Ivana it could have been the harsh drabbiness of the welsh outback their cultured French sensibilities could not cope with....and for me? Sigh once again! For me, I think I never had the luxury of that feeling in my life....and you know the scariest part? Maybe I’ll never have it!


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