A world without borders???
I have just come off the phone from Eniola who yammered on about her forthcoming trip to the US..(Sour Grapes). Its half past eleven and I should be getting to bed for no good reason as I don't have to be up early tomorrow. I suppose I will go to bed in a while as soon as i suppress this feeling of guilt as a result of my not putting my all into looking for a job, what was it they said about the ant and the summer?
I haven't exactly been the model of hard work today, considering the fact that i spent a perfectly good day at home just relaxing, sleeping, eating, cooking, and faffing around. I did however get some work done on my essay on groups and belonging. I also managed to go to mass...Still feel guilty though. What is it about not being in your country that does things to your sense of security? One would imagine that with the world becoming a global village and all, things would be easier with regards to travel and migration. Afterall, isn't all of this down to geography? Or more recently a passport?
A friend of mine rang me with dreadful stories of the heartache she suffered recently in the hands of her boyfriend. Story is...
She: British born Nigerian, in love and stupidly hands over her passport to him shortly before he dumps her to marry his real beau in Nigeria..
He: Nigerian born Nigerian (tee hee), sharp guy, from the story she tells, makes off with her passport and marries his beau three thousand miles away...
My guilty secret is that i discussed this issue with two people however, the interesting factor of the issue was the relevance of the passport in all of this. I mean, its just a little red book...or is it not?
No doubt, the state of global affairs have now shown that geography IS important and subsequently the documentation to back up your claims. For some, this means life carries on as usual, for others; its a slightly different story. For third worlder's like myself, your passport becomes your burden. Just another factor for discrimination. This is where the more desperate of the lot come in. Employing any tactics necessary, some would rather cheat, lie or steal to get one of the coveted passports of a country belonging to the "good" side of town. My argument is this; if we focused more on bettering our respective countries, we wouldn't have to lie, cheat or steal to get someone else's passport. As in the eternal words to British PM Tony Blair, Only Africans can make Africa better. Whilst my friend goes over her couldashouldawoulda's, i can only pity her grave error in trusting and loving someone in a desperate situation; a third worlder like myself.
As i fill out job applications online, the recurring field that strikes me as most interesting is the section where you are expected to fill out your nationality. Even before you can prove your mettle with regards to the job, you are sieved out. As i mentioned in my essay for uni, groups are an integral part of society's mechanics. You either belong in the right one or are out in the wrong one. Whilst the issues of ID cards and passports do well to establish the existence of groups in our societies, they also do well to establish borders in an already cynical world. However necessary these documents are, i am of the school of thought that believes in a world where the focus is on equating the different societies instead of creating borders and demacations.
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