Sunday, August 27, 2006


I wonder, is the phenomenon known as true love possible? Is it a facility only available to wealthy westerners as they publicly display this core factor of their society's mechanics or perhaps it is the smile of the woman under her burka? How do you know when it is true or if it is just a pandering to a pre-ordained social construct? Perhaps it is a free fall you should not fight lest it pass you by....sigh.
I blag a lot about the silliness of love and how annoying it is to see those lovey dovey couples on the trains or the smug couples strolling down the street fingers interwined, sometimes complete with their matching dogs!
M and i had a bit of a silly moment today. I had been asked over and i stupidly declined. Sigh. My issue is why i declined...i don't have to be up early holiday and all, so what was it? Am i running away from something?


At 9:33 pm, Blogger Id it is said...

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained". Got to leave that comfort zone and take a leap of faith to explore that 'perhaps'!

At 9:36 pm, Blogger Id it is said...

Committment is not easy, and that's what makes people reluctant about falling in love...perhaps, hehe

At 11:09 pm, Blogger A.H. said...

Sigh...long and full of longing.
Hello, mtb.
"true love"... a phenomenon...that is a nice irony, attaching a mental process to something so lacking mentally.
"wealthy westerners"...not as much the dream of those who are not wealthy as A-list celebrities--even more so!
"core factor"...that's sex rather than love.
"the silliness of love"...Love, surely, isn't silly, only how it is represented by the emotionally bankrupt--usually A-D list celebrities. LOVE ISLAND--please, just give me an island to be left alone.
"the smile of the woman under her burka"..."true love" is famed for its wildness, but Catholics and Protestants manage to link it with all their regulations, so perhaps it is compatible with religion.
"lovey dovey couples" there's a loaded phrase. Love=dove=mates, as in the Bible's erotic Song of Songs. So, there is a religious root for the basis of "true love": it is connected after all to marriage and fidelity, what regulating religions love.
I love your image about couples and their dogs, you are quite a satiricist.
And finally, "M and i" had a "silly moment". Does M make you a little i? :-) A Freudian typo? So, why did you decline? Because Love is controlling and you wanted to show your I and self-control? Runnning away from something or not running towards it? Don't worry, you're just a man. And before I get savaged by anyone: this is written good-naturedly. Take care.

At 9:52 pm, Blogger internationalhome said...

Hhahah...many thanks for your comments people. once again, i am left with the feeling of one who has been in the pshychologists chair...eshunuetics.
Witty comments Id It is, they are well recieved. I never said i was in love or did i?
I agree with you eshu, Love island is so corny its producers should be shot. if i am to be honest, i think i might be falling in love, coping with that idea is driving me up the wall!!

At 12:24 am, Blogger A.H. said...

So the man who does not believe in love finds himself in love. It was bound to happen...Is the "idea" so bad? Often when people get beyond the idea, the actuality becomes fun. "No man is an island". What kind of dog will you buy? Be well.

At 11:07 pm, Blogger Jennifer A. said...

lol...u and YOU alone better answer that question...before its too late...


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