Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Big band!!!

I love big band!! I am sat at my desk (i know its bad english but i love colloquialisms) and i am listening to Micheal Buble do "I've got a crush on you". Earlier on today i had been listening to Shirley Bassey, Tony Bennett and co do big numbers!! Even Little Micheal Buble doing a very spectacular cover of mack the knife. The thing is i like to imagine i am in some fancy lounge club somewhere with all the cool cats in town...martini in hand!! I even go as far as getting the live versions of this art pieces (loads of laughs), pathetic enh?
Song's now changed to Shirley Bassey doing "hey big spender", did you know she was part Nigerian and part Welsh....she used be from tiger bay (rather dodgy area) and still claims family from both places!
SIGH...On the other side of the spectrum, for christmas; I'm treating myself to swan lake which is in cardiff from the 22nd at the devine wales mill. centre with music by Tchaikovsky.....


At 11:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best version of Mack the Knife has to be Lotte Lenya--"a voice like sandpaper". Off to see Swan Lake! Now if a shark with "pearly white teeth" gobbled up a few swans, that would be my idea of Tchaikovsky! Seriously, enjoy Swan Lake. British culture at its best, the ballet...oh, dear, but the bloody composer was a Russian. Not to worry, swans are British...they are the birds poisoned by lead when fishermen follow that good old British pastime of sitting on a river bank doing nothing: true UK citizenship this.

At 9:39 am, Blogger internationalhome said...

Looking forward to swan lake as i have never seen it before! will look out for lotte lenya's version but i must confess to liking Micheal Buble's version as well!!


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