Saturday, June 21, 2008


It doesn't feel like the summer at the moment, not least because of the awful weather we are having but also because of dire news that seems to be the trend nowadays. People dying, the possiblity of the peak oil theory happening as we live it and more. Still, humans were made to survive and i still have to go to Japan -:)
I recently saw the brilliant movie persepolis, originally a comic book by French-Iranian author Marjane Satrapi. This comes at the time that i read Wole Soyinka's semi-autobiographical book, you must set forth at dawn. Both texts highlight similar issues, power, ideology, social inconsistencies and even social cycles. It isn't pleasant information to absorb, especially as we consider the suggestions that certain societies have and will always function in anarchy. Those who have read Mr Soyinka's book will understand. I will however, suggest to those who have not seen the movie, persepolis, to either get the graphic novels or see the movie. Read more about it here and even more about its apt title here. Its poignancy particularly hits home to those in diaspora as the seconday themes the text explores are those of dissillusionment when you move abroad and how a lack of ideology back home may not be such a bad thing afterall...
On the subject of Wole Soyinka's book, i will honestly admit that i am struggling. You must set forth at dawn, so far, is a very interesting read;however, one tends to get the impression that the story teller is an old grand-dad who recounts his past in short stops whilst dozing inbetween on a lazy saturday afternoon. Of course, i say this with the utmost respect for the gentleman. Perhaps i am wrong. I am only halfway through the book and it is still early days yet. Perhaps my perspectives shall change as i read on....
On the subject of writing, Dele Momodu regurgitates another ill-researched, ill-written piece that just makes guessed it, quite ill! His saturday pieces are like car crash tv, one is just drawn to in a morbid trance like state. You can read it here for your judgements.
On the subject of deaths, i hear Oliver De Coque has unfortunately passed away. May his soul rest in peace. Perhaps those murderous cretins who currently run Nigeria might want to take a lesson for this and see that nothing lasts forever....

Saturday, June 14, 2008


In Britain, most watch the 'trooping in color' event if they can. In British tradition, the queen has two birthdays (April the 21st actually) but an all out parade is performed in the summer anyway when the weather is better. In front of my flat, there was a parade just now, which makes one appreciate Britain even more. Its glorious traditions are just brilliant. It was completely fascinating to see all the soldiers, tunics, bearskins and all, marching soberly across the walk. I took pictures, which i shall upload later, meanwhile read more about it here...

Friday, June 13, 2008


Britain is going through an interesting time at the moment. The economic turmoil is being felt, albeit at the bottom only. Last sunday's Times writes about how Britain's rich carry on with the game in Monaco whilst there might be oil shortages as tanker drivers strike. Gosh, sounds very third world doesn't it? This vast economic divide, potential fuel what does that remind me of?
Meanwhile, the political landscape becomes even more turbulent (thats not the right word but it seems more exciting). The Irish vote against the EU (technically) and the Tories pull a stunt (for thats what it is). What is most interesting about David Davis's so-called gallant call for a challenge against those who try to "assult our civil liberties"* is how this episode has shown just how gullible the British public are. Of course, shortly after the David Davis commons episode (David Davis is the UK Shadow home secretary who resigns as minister to protest the government's new terror laws), the public immediately rushed to congratulate him as the last bastion of democracy and so on...which is what the Tories expected.
The media tells us that Tory leader Dave Cam knew nothing about the coming resignation, which i do not believe. The tories expect us to believe that a front bench shadow minister, triggering a bye-election in a tory safe seat is actually gambling anything? Of course he isnt! What is clearly going on, is that, once again, the Tories take away what might appear to be dour Gordon's apparent victory whilst keeping attention on the controversial bill and making the man's popular, unpopular. What might put the spanner in the works of the whole thing is if the Sun newspapers actually field a candidate anyway, read all about it, here
Meanwhile, three ex-generals that lead Nigeria have the temerity to suggest that Abacha did not steal or destroy that country. If only those villanous cretins would consider what has happened to Adedibu of late....
*(for those who do not live in the UK, the government wants to extend the time it can keep terror suspects locked up for without charge, something that has proved popular with the voting public but unpopular with some, including the other political parties)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

British summer time

Finally, we get a glimpse of British summer time. It won't last however, apparently, it goes back to grey tomorrow. However, its been great the last couple of days. This is not to say that Britain isn't beautiful in its greyness. A little sunshine, as has occurred recently usually means a mad rush for flip flops, awful hawaiin shorts and tacky sunglasses but what about the other three hundred days of grey?
Well i can prove that Britain is still beautiful in its greyness. Witness the pictures i took in the park across the road from my flat...aren't they lovely (even if i say so myself ) :-))