Tuesday, April 25, 2006


As I rode the train back from work last night, it occurred to me that the nature of the problems experienced in Africa and indeed the West African sub-continent is all to do with the local people....us!
Engaging in conversation with two friends, both African soon lead to the African question focusing on the problems in Nigeria Vis-Ã -vis the third term drama currently in show on the Nigerian Stage. Of course we all concluded that this was a hugedisappointmentt..Andd naturally so when one considers the issues at hand on the global stage, Nigeria appears to be stuck in a time warp of perpetual stupidity. However it was the comments of one of the chaps, a bright Igbo boy; that struck me! He was of the opinion that "if they kuku fight in Nigeria, the UK will open its doors"! I was stunned! I could not believe my ears. On the other hand, regardless of my Indignation at the whole situation; his comments buttresses the point that the focal point of reference for the Nigerian problem lies with the blatant disregard the country has for its future.
As the rest of the world focuses on insuring its future by combating possiblepandemics, empowering its youth, fighting child poverty and increasing child literacyfiguress; Nigeria's political elite stillsquabblee over unfashionable details as common thugs would after a heist at the local bank. The sheer ludicrousness of it all!!!!
It is quite clear that, going by the comments of this young Igbo chap and those picked up from the media that the Nigerian question can not be solved until the youth of the country are empowered and the future secure!!!


At 2:13 pm, Blogger DiAmOnD hawk said...

hear hear!!!
i strongly believe that we each have to take an active role and stop allowing our grandparents and great grandparents to continue to rule us in the way they have...
everyone is scared though...ppl want to die...I wrote about this a while back...(check out by blog...from 5/2006 i think)....i believe that to effect change, we must be willing to die...cuz that's the only thing you'd have to lose at the end of the way...and if we go fwd that way...I do believe things will start to turn around


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